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(prisoner of war mail)

Every mother dreaded the visit from the War department during World War II. It was never good news. No one wanted the postman to visit.  Except Mrs. Dewicki.  She knew her son was alive because he still sent her letters.

Second Lieutenant Zdzisław Dewicki wrote home from Luft Stalag 1 outside Barth, Germany.  He was a Bombardier with the Army Air Corps, 15th Air Force, 55th Bombardment Wing, 446th Bombardment Group, 779th Bomber Squadron operating out of Pantanella Airfield approximately 9 miles south of Cerignola, Italy. His plane, the Paper Doll was shot down over Austria while it was returning from a bombing run.

The title comes from the German word Kriegsgefangenenpost which translates to prisoner of war mail.

The letters are real, the story surrounding the letters is mostly fabricated.